Tuesday, March 9, 2010

3 a.m. thoughts

So I awoke at midnight and haven't fallen back asleep yet, as I so often do on nights before I have to open at work (be there at 5:30 in the a.m.).  Bobo, I know you were trying to be quiet while preparing your midnight feast, but you just can't control the noise level of the microwave.  I'm shaking my fist in the direction of your room.

Anyway, whenever I'm just lying in bed wishing myself to sleep, my brain kicks into overdrive and I start thinking about everything that's going on in my life.  I analyze, contemplate, worry, et cetera until my brain finally decides to chill out.  Lately my brain has been focusing on my impending 2.5 monthslongscaryforeign adventure.  Ohhh man, my stomach just did that weird drop flip thing when you think about something that makes you CRAZY nervous.  

If for some reason you don't know what I'm talking about (which I doubt because a total of like 5 people read this), I'm going to study at the University of Salamanca in Spain from April 5-June 11.  This will be my third summer in a row to leave the country.  There are people twice my age whose most exotic adventure was a weekend cruise to Cozumel, so I feel extremely privileged.  I know this trip will be life-changing and will be such an amazing experience and if I didn't go I'd regret it yadda yadda yadda, but I'm still a bit terrified.  Yeah, it's exciting, but after the first week I'm afraid I'll realize I still have over 2 months of living in Spain, completely alone, where I have to speak Spanish and make friends with people who maybe don't speak my native language.  My return to American soil is what I'm most looking forward to.  Is that bad?  

There are some other things I am definitely looking forward to:  
-Spanish food- paella, chorizo, horchata
-Spanish shopping- I hope they have awesome thrift stores
-*Spanish guys- what?
-*Primavera Sound Festival in Barcelona- Dr. Dog, Yeasayer, Beach House.  Who could ask for more?
-Side trips to Madrid, Portugal, the Basque region

*= tentative

I'm trying to focus on the exciting things so I don't psych myself out too much.  What I keep thinking to myself is that in 3 months this will all be over and I'll be back home to my friends and family and the latter half of summer.  My fall school semester is looking promising, too.  I'm taking German, Cultural Anthropology, Astronomy lab, Geography and of course Spanish.  I'm also super stoked about being able to ride my new bike to class this coming semester.

T minus 21 days.

1 comment:

  1. Have you tried singing the "I Have Confidence" song from the The Sound of Music? You have to sing it very loud while walking outside and swinging a suitcase, but it does work.

    Also, I am following a blog called My Castle in Spain. I recommend it.

    Hugs to you!

    Aunt Wendy
