Saturday, January 9, 2010


Stream of consciousness that happened today:
I looked up at my calendar and realized I still have 2009 up, which led to remembering it's 2010 and January, which led to thinking what kind of calendar I want to buy this year, which led to thinking about how people make resolutions for the new year, which led to my thinking that I should maybe make some.  
Okay, so I have a few different ideas of what I can instate as Caitlin's 2010 Resolutions.  I've never really been into the whole resolution idea, but now seems as good a time as any to start.

First and foremost, I want to start reading more.  It seems I'm always too busy to do any pleasure reading, thanks to work and obligatory school reading.  I've got a couple of ideas for books I want to read but would appreciate some more, so please feel free to suggest.  I enjoy fiction.  
Anybody want to start a book club?

This is totally cliché, but I want to get into shape.  I haven't really thought a whole lot about this one yet, but I know I want to do it.  That counts, right?  Running interests me, as well as biking and hiking.  Unfortunately I don't have a good bike.  And I really want to start rock climbing, but that seems to require actual skill that I probably don't possess.  And good lord it's SO cold outside that I'm almost deterred from any outdoor activity aside from running to my car.  I think I basically just talked myself out of all those ideas.

COOK.  I'm tired of always going out to eat for nearly every meal-but it's just so easy, ya know?  We college students ain't got a lotta dough, so I need to quit spending so much money on food that isn't good for me.  Cooking is fun and the result is rewarding.  And tasty.  I've also decided to not eat as much red meat.  I mean, I looove me some red meat, but if I can eat something else that's just as delicious and less taxing on my digestive system, why not?  Veggie burgers are yummers.  Maybe I'll allot myself one splurge a week.  

That's all I've thought of so far.  I think I'll go cook something healthy and read.